A share market (also known as equity market or stock market) is an aggregation of buyers & sellers of shares (that are listed on Stock Exchange). These share are of various companies/organization. Share trading involves transaction of money in the book not in the form of physical. In this modern era, trading activities are done by buyers & sellers in the electronic form. There are several norms for these activities which are governed by an authorized body. In India, SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) is the authorized body, which regulates & controls overall activity of Stock Market.
Share trading is considered as one of the best investment options for investors to gain much profit for their capital in a short period of time. There are various modes of trading like Intraday & Delivery. In Intraday trading, investors have to buy or sell shares on the same day during trading hours. In delivery based trading, there is no any such kind of limitations where investors can buy or sell shares at any time as per their requirements as well as market’s scenarios. As each & everything has some pros & cons; so, stock market is not an exception. It is an ideal platform to earn huge income within a short period of time but it involves lot of risks. Thus, an investor can increase their wealth by getting share market tips from a prominent financial advisor.
If you go for investment by yourself only (without taking guidelines from financial analysts) without having any prior experience, there may be a huge loss for you. So, you should go for eminent trading & financial analysts who have been giving guidelines to the potential investors for many years to increase their wealth. If you use to follow guidelines of a prominent analyst or financial institution, you’ll earn huge profits on your invested capital. Although, profit or loss in this market, depends on lot of factors and no one can give you 100% guaranteed but it has been observed that reputed financial institutions use to provide profitable stock tips as per investors’ specific needs & requirements.
In these days, there are many financial institutions which use to provide stock market advices to the investors. So, it’s not an easy task to find the best one for investors according to their financial budget. In such circumstances, you should go for their track-sheets that have been providing to the people for their investments so far. If their track records are good in providing stock tips, you can choose them as your stock advisor. This will help you to increase your income within a short period of time.