Top 10 foods that you believe are healthy but really aren’t

The one trend everyone tries to follow is healthy eating, but are we really eating the right food?

We have all heard of good foods and bad foods, but there are certainly some food items that you think provide health benefits when in reality they don’t.

Foods labeled as “healthy”, “diet-food”, “sugar-free”, “cholesterol-free” and “low fat” are nothing but mere labels. In fact, these so-called healthy foods are actually disguised with an immense amount of preservatives, sugars and oils.

As healthy foods become a growing trend, groceries and brands are constantly convincing us to buy their “healthy gluten-free products” but it’s our duty to look beyond the labels.

Here’s a list of the top 10 unhealthy foods that are disguised as healthy:

1. Milk with malted drink powders
Malted drinks such as Bournvita, Complan, Milo and Horlicks is every kid’s favorite drink. They claim to be “sugar-free” but if you carefully look at the nutritional value, you’ll find that they are actually artificial sweeteners. See the nutritional value at the back of the product, and it will show that approximately 50% of the content is nothing but sugar. Kids love the sweetness of malted drinks, but unknowingly it is creating adverse effects on their body as it stops the growth of good bacteria and is slowly harming their gut health. Unless the gut is strong, immunity won’t be strong.

These malted drink powders are highly processed and filled with maltodextrin, which is a white starchy powder made from corn, rice or potato starch. It affects the body by constantly spiking your insulin level and suppresses the growth of good bacteria.

To substitute malted powders, you could have Kesar, dates, jaggery or turmeric milk. As a healthier option, you could also try making dry fruits powder and have it with warm milk. Try to habituate your child with natural substitutes for sugar instead of appealing them with chocolate powders.

2. Multi-grain flour
Nowadays, multi-grain atta (flour) is found in almost every kitchen. Mixing various grains together such as jowar, bajra, ragi, besan and even quinoa creates an immensely high fiber atta which is problematic. Excess of fibers causes failure to absorb essential micronutrients such as zinc, calcium, or iron, and instead completely flushes them out of the body.

My advice would be to have one atta at a time. Rather than multi-grain, consuming one type of flour will allow your body to completely absorb the enzymes and nutrients that each atta has to offer. For example, ragi is rich in calcium so have it with wheat or have only jowar with wheat so the ratio of 70:30 is maintained. 70% should be the chosen millet flour of your choice and 30% wheat, so the nutrients can be easily absorbed and will keep you satisfied longer.

3. Fruit juices
I know what you are thinking – how can fruit juices be bad for me?

Unfortunately, packaged fruit drinks are a big NO. They claim to be “natural with no additional flavors” but the nutritional value proves otherwise. Packaged fruit juices are filled with sugar and harmful preservatives. Do not expect any real fruit content in them.

It is true that fresh fruit juices are better, but they should be avoided too. When we blend the fruits to make juice, the majority of the nutrition gets lost and the result is not a nutritious drink but rather an energy drink that acts as a short-term insulin booster. In order to fully absorb the nutrients from fruits, chewing the whole raw fruit would be advisable.

4. Artificial sweeteners
Another unhealthy item masqueraded as healthy is artificial sweeteners. Aspartame, sucrose and saccharin are a few of them that we intake with many products these days. They are great at confusing our digestive system. The role of sugar is to release glucose, which will mix with our blood and message the pancreas to do its job.

However, when we consume artificial sweeteners as a substitute for sugar, it confuses our system, and our pancreas receives an unclear message about what to do. In the long term, this leads to an improper functioning of the pancreas and as a result, increases your sugar craving!

While they may sound harmless, artificial sweeteners work in the same way as malted drinks by flushing the good bacteria out of the guts and could affect our immunity, brain functioning and even lead to cancer.

5. Low cholesterol butter
Low-fat foods aren’t necessarily the best option. Butter and ghee products that market themselves as low fat or low cholesterol may seem healthy, but in reality they are filled with high amounts of sodium which can affect blood pressure and heart functioning.

Along with high sodium, it can also have hidden trans fats, which our body does not require at all as it affects fat metabolism adversely.

Instead homemade butter or ghee is advisable. Homemade saturated fats contain short-chain fatty acid, which works to improve fat metabolism.

6. Gluten-free foods
Gluten-free foods are almost as harmful as gluten foods. Gluten-free pasta, noodles or flakes may seem like a healthy option but not to forget they are filled with unnecessary starchy content, chemicals, and preservatives. Consuming high amounts of processed gluten-free foods affects the gut health negatively and are in fact just empty calories. Instead, try reaching for a whole fruit like an apple with a handful of nuts or boiled eggs to benefit from a mix of healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Also, lack of time and laziness causes us to take shortcuts towards our food and leads to problems. Once in a time gluten-free pasta or food is okay, but make sure that you don’t make it a part of your lifestyle unless you have been detected with some sort of intolerance.

7. Vegetable oils
If you think substituting refined oil with vegetable oil is a better option, then this might surprise you. One of my clients told me he uses a “diabetic friendly oil” but just because it has “diabetic friendly” or “heart-friendly” in its name, does not mean that it is good for you. It is nothing but a fancier name for a type of refined oil that has almost no nutritional value.

Highly processed vegetable oils contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means it has high amounts of Omega-6. Excess of this can disturb cell communication in the body and lead to hormonal issues. This happens because our body requires a balance between omega-3 and Omega 6.

To maintain this balance, use desi ghee, coconut oil, sesame, mustard oil or even extra virgin olive oil.

8. Microwaveable popcorn
On the surface level, microwaveable popcorn seems like a healthy go-to snack because of its low-calorie intake. But when you look at the nutritional aspect, you will find that these popcorns have high sodium content and trans fats which slows our fat metabolism creating weight-related problems.

As a healthier alternative, try having foxnuts also known as “makhanas”. However, remember to check the nutritional content for high sodium before buying them. To get the full nutrition of a high fiber snack, you could also make makhana at home! All you need to do is roast them with a little ghee and a spice flavor of your choice.

9. Energy bars and biscuits
Once and for all, just because it’s labeled as “energy” bars doesn’t mean it is necessarily good for you. They contain high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils. Not to mention, the high quantity of preservatives found in these so-called “sugarless” bars and biscuits only proves to harm gut health by increasing inflammation.

You may think that digestive biscuits are a healthy snack but in reality, they made from refined flour which is not good for our body as it cannot absorb the vital micronutrients that we need.

For a more nutritional snack, you can try making oats or coconut and sesame ladoo at home. Even though it may seem like a tedious job, I promise you that it will provide long-term benefits and help you lead a healthy life.

10. Ready-made soups and salads
When you are really busy or tired, ready-made salad or soup may sound like the healthiest option. Not to mention they are nothing but high amounts of sodium and other preservatives disguised as healthy food.

In the name of healthy salads, unfortunately those salad dressings have sugar and unhealthy fats. While you think you are having low-fat salad, you are unknowingly raising bad cholesterol instead of good cholesterol.

Final words…
Now you know the foods labeled as healthy come with an additional burden of hidden sodium content or disguised sugar.

My advice would be to eat as much homemade food as possible. Otherwise, check the nutritional content and reduce the dependency on unhealthy food.

Most of the time, these so-called healthy foods do not deserve the health halo that everyone gives them. So, please be aware of the overall nutritional value of food and don’t blindly follow the “labels.”

What is C band and L band in WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)?

WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) is a transmission technology that uses a single optical fiber to simultaneously transmit multiple optical carriers of different wavelengths in optical fiber communications. When the wavelength of light is different, the transmission loss in the fiber is also different. In order to reduce the fiber loss, it’s important to find the most suitable transmission wavelength. After a long period of exploration and testing, light with a wavelength of 1260nm~1625nm has the smallest dispersion signal distortion with low loss, which is the most suitable for transmission in optical fiber.

The wavelength of fiber can be divided into several bands, each band is used as an independent channel to transmit predetermined wavelength. According to the ITU-T standards, singlemode fiber with the band over 1260nm is divided into O/E/S/C/L/U
six bands.

What is O band?
The O band is the original band with wavelength from 1260 to 1360nm. The O-band is the first wavelength band used in optical communications in history, and the signal distortion (due to dispersion) is minimal.

What is E band?
The E-band (extended wavelength band: 1360-1460 nm) is the least common of these bands. The E-band is mainly used for the expansion of the O-band, but it is rarely used, mainly because many existing optical cables show high attenuation in the E-band and the manufacturing process is very energy-intensive, so the use in optical communication is limited.

What is S band?
The optical fiber loss in the S-band (Short-wavelength Band, 1460-1530 nm) is lower than the loss in the O-band. The S-band is used as many PON (passive optical network) systems.

What is C band?
The C-band (Conventional Band) ranges from 1530 nm to 1565nm and represents the conventional band. Optical fiber shows the lowest loss in the C-band and occupies a large advantage in long-distance transmission systems. It is usually used in many metropolitan areas combined with WDM, long-distance, ultra-long-distance and submarine optical transmission systems and EDFA technology. As the transmission distance becomes longer, and fiber optic amplifiers are used instead of optical-to-electronic-to-optical repeaters, the C-band becomes more and more important. With the advent of DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) that allows multiple signals to share a single fiber, the use of the C-band has been expanded.

What is L band?
The L-band (Long-wavelength Band, 1565-1625nm) is the second lowest-loss wavelength band, and is often used when the C-band is insufficient to meet the bandwidth requirements. With the wide availability of b-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs), DWDM systems have expanded upward to the L-band, and were initially used to expand the capacity of terrestrial DWDM optical networks. Now, it has been introduced to submarine cable operators to do the same thing-to expand the total capacity of submarine cables.

Due to its low transmission attenuation loss, C-band and L-band is usually selected to use in the DWDM system. Except for the O-band and L-band, there are two other bands, 850nm band and the U band (ultra-long band: 1625-1675 nm). The 850nm band is the main wavelength of the multimode optical fiber communication system, which combines VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser). The U frequency band is mainly used for network monitoring.
WDM technology can be divided into WDM, CWDM, DWDM according to different wavelength modes. The wavelength range stipulated by ITU for CWDM (ITU-T G.694.2) is 1271 to 1611nm, but considering the attenuation of the 1270-1470nm band in the application, the band of 1470~1610nm is usually used. The channel space of DWDM is more closeness, so choose the C-band (1530 nm-1565 nm) and L-band (1570 nm-1610 nm) transmission windows. Ordinary WDM generally uses 1310 and 1550nm wavelengths.

How To Strengthen Bones And Muscles And Achieve Healthy Joints?

Experts are of the opinion that higher level of toxicity is among the many factors contributing towards problems with bones, which, in turn, affects the healthy functioning of joints. In addition, the healthy functioning of bones and joints deteriorate due to diseases like osteoporosis, hypocalcemia, hypoparathyroidism, etc. In addition, aging also plays an important role in causing weakness to different organs inclusive of joints and bones. To achieve healthy joints besides these factors, the body needs additional support to help humans to stay physically active and to keep them moving. Let us now find the answer to the question ‘how to strengthen bones and muscles’.

Freeflex capsules: These are effective herbal supplements to improve bone, muscle and joint strength. Due to the effective ingredients present in these capsules, they will provide the right kind of support needed for improving the health of different organs inclusive of bones and muscles. These capsules will keep the joints healthy and will also improve the energy level in muscles by ensuring that the right supply of minerals and vitamins happen in the body. In addition, the effective ingredients in Freeflex capsules will keep the blood purified and will prevent infections, besides improving digestion and absorption of nutrients. With these herbal supplements, it is also possible to improve liver and kidney functions besides getting the safe answer to the question how to strengthen bones and muscles.

Safe and effective ingredients: To help individuals achieve healthy joints, Freeflex capsules contain the following healthy and effective herbal ingredients:


1. This herb can nourish each and every layer of tissues in the human body.

2. It can address different types of skin disorders.

3. It is antipyretic in nature and it can address issues related to female genitals.

4. The important reason behind its inclusion in Freeflex capsules is its ability to pacify vata dosha. So, it can address joint and muscle problems to provide the safe answer to the question how to strengthen bones and muscles.

5. It can address respiratory issues like chest pain, bronchitis and asthma.

6. It can relieve digestive issues in an effective manner.


1. The reason behind the addition of Asthinsanghar to Freeflex capsules to achieve healthy joints is that it is a traditional remedy that can improve bone and joint health.

2. It can also improve the health of muscles and bones.


1. Guggul is a herb that is effective in rejuvenation and detoxification.

2. It is an excellent blood purifier and so its addition makes Freeflex capsules provide the safe answer to the question ‘how to strengthen bones and muscles’.

3. It can kindle digestive fire.

4. It will help with healthy management of weight.

5. It can support comfortable joint movement.

6. It can support the immune system and it is a natural source of antioxidant to address the age-related weakness in joints and muscles.

To help individuals achieve healthy joints, other herbs like chobchini, suranjan, ashwagandha and godanti hadtal, are part of Freeflex capsules.